Working on a diamond painting for long periods of time can cause discomfort to your neck, shoulders, and eyes. That's why it's important that you have a workspace that's designed for you and suitable to your needs.
Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can get lost in your canvas. Your table should be at the right height and big enough to lay your canvas flat and have enough space for your diamond painting tools. A supportive chair and good lighting are also essential, as most people sit for long periods of time.
Don't forget to take short breaks, change your focus, and look around the room. Stretch your legs, shoulders, and arms regularly.
Diamond Painting is such a relaxing craft so it's important to also set the mood and work in a happy and comfortable environment.
Here are a few photos shared with us by our customers, Debrea, Renee, and Halana, for inspiration. They designed each of their work stations according to their needs.