Learn How to Seal your Diamond Painting Canvas

Learn How to Seal your Diamond Painting Canvas

3 minute read

When do you have to seal your canvas?

  1. If you're planning to frame your canvas without a glass on top.
  2. If you have popping beads.
  3. If you want to keep the canvas intact for a long time.

Things you need to clean and seal your canvas:

  • Mod Podge Super Gloss
  • Paint Brush
  • Damp Cloth or Baby Wipes
  • Toothbrush

First Part: Clean your canvas

After finishing your canvas, make sure the diamonds are properly set by putting it under a heavy object or by using a rolling pin. Once you're sure that the diamonds are perfectly flat and locked in place, we move to the next step - cleaning your canvas.

You may use baby wipes or a moist towelette to wipe your canvas and clean it. Another useful trick when cleaning your canvas is using a soft toothbrush and lightly brushing your diamond canvas. This will help remove excess wax that may be stuck in between your diamonds. Aside from wax, this can also help remove dust or other small particles so I suggest you do this step first before we move to sealing your canvas.

This is a very important step as you don't want any small particles like dust or hair stuck on your canvas while sealing it.

Cleaning Canvas

Second Part: Sealing your canvas

Here are 5 simple steps to follow when sealing your canvas.

Step 1: Tape your canvas on your table to make sure it won't move. This will be helpful when you get to Step 4.

Step 2: Dip your clean brush into the Mod Podge Super Gloss.

Step 3: Lightly brush the Mod Podge on your canvas. Make sure the glue goes in between your diamonds.

Step 4: Gently wipe the canvas using a clean damp cloth. I like to do this in a circular motion to remove the glue sitting on top of my diamonds. You will see white bubbles as you do this and that's normal; just wipe it off until it's gone.

The purpose of this step is to remove the glue from the surface of your diamonds and only keeping the glue in between the diamonds. This is a key step in the sealing process to make sure your diamonds will not lose their sparkle.

Step 5: Once step 4 is complete, just leave your canvas to dry for 24 hours.

Sealing Canvas

Third Part: Final Observations

After 24 hours, here are important things you should observe from your canvas:

  1. The canvas shouldn't lose its shine.
  2. The canvas should feel firmer.
  3. There are no more popping beads.

Sharing with you these photos after 1 week of sealing this canvas.

Post sealing

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